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California Colleges

California Colleges

  Community Colleges California State University (CSU) University of California (UC) Independent Colleges & Universities
Number of Campuses 116 23 10 More than 75
College Entrance Exams None Required ACT or SAT ACT or SAT Varies: Check with College or University
Degrees Offered Associate’s Degrees and Vocational Certificates Bachelor’s & Master’s Degrees
Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral and Professional Degrees

Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral and Professional Degrees

Student Fees/Tuition (Subject to change) $46 per unit Approximately $5-8,000
per year
approximately $13,900 per year Varies

California Colleges link

Learn about all the colleges and universities in California. Find out about career planning and financial aid opportunities.

California Community Colleges link

Receive general information and links to all two-year public institutions in California.

California State University link

Explore all California State University (CSU) campuses, plan for college, apply for admission, take a virtual tour and learn about financial aid.

University of California link

Obtain information on the University of California (UC) system. Links to all ten Campuses, admission information and many other services.

California Independent Institutions link

Provides students with information on private institutions, campus matching assistance, and college profiles.